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Newsletter: September 2013

Below is the inaugural email newsletter sent to all of our clients on 9 September, 2013.


Hello everyone!

You're probably aware that indie.web took over support of twiik's Business Catalyst and static site clients in May last year.

We've thoroughly enjoyed working with those of you who have required our services to date, and we look forward to touching base with the few we have yet to meet.

Added Value for Our Clients

It's been a long time coming; we've been so busy working on your websites that we haven't had a chance to put time into our own. We value you and the work you provide us with; and in return we'd like to offer some added value for being an indie.web client.

Regular Newsletters

From now on, you can expect regular email newsletters from us with updates on what's new with indie.web, Adobe Business Catalyst, Google or SEO, as well as a tip or two to help with website-related stuff.

(You do of course have the option to opt-out of these newsletters at any time.)

Online Training & Tutorials

We'll also be introducing a blog section on our website where we'll be building a database of training and tutorial material to assist those of you who like to do your own site updates.

We're looking to create a nice mix of written and visual content, including screencast tutorial videos, so you can see exactly how to do something, rather than deciphering instructions.

Website Tips

Avoid using spaces in filenames. That goes for web pages, images, or any other file you upload. Hyphens are a better alternative.


Business Catalyst Update

ICE: A Better Editing Experience

We're excited to announce in this inaugural issue of our newsletter that Adobe has recently released an overhauled version of its ICE (In-Context Editing) platform.

If you've spent any time using Business Catalyst's CMS (Content Management System), you will probably have run up against some of its limitations, particularly when using the page editor.

Let's be honest: there's nothing more frustrating than trying to edit some text, only to find you've messed up your page layout.

What is In-Context Editing?

In-Context Editing is how you probably expected editing a website would be, before you actually tried it and found out it wasn't.

Simply put, ICE is an editing platform that displays your website as it appears online. Editing is as simple as clicking on sections you wish to change, making the adjustments, and hitting "save". No messy code. No broken layout.

We don't want to over-sell it - ICE isn't a substitute for HTML & CSS, but we are really excited about the potential it offers for clients to make simple changes to content without worrying about "breaking" their site.

There is some setup required, but no extra charge from Adobe to implement ICE. Interested? Let us know.
